All Posts Tagged Tag: ‘tafseer after taraweeh’
update 28-6-2016 – Sunday Lecture and Tafseer-after-taraweeh Maraisburg Masjid Ramadhaan2016
The latest ramadhaan2016 lectures at Maraisburg masjid are available for download:
1. Moulana Shaheed Amien tafseer 23-27 June
2.Sunday lecture 26 June 2016 Moulana Abdur Rahman Laily Maraisburg Masjid – Features of the ProphetsPlease follow the links below to download.
update 23-6-2016 – Jumua Lecture and Tafseer-after-taraweeh Maraisburg Masjid Ramadhaan2016
The latest ramadhaan2016 lectures at Maraisburg masjid are available for download:
1. Moulana Shaheed Amien tafseer 22 June
2.Moulana Ayaaz Angamia Jumua lecture 17 JunePlease follow the links below to download.
Downloads: Ramadhaan Program 2012 – 5 to 7 July
AsSalaamuAlaykum The Sunday lecture and daily Tafseer after Taraweeh lectures are now available for download: 1. 2 3. 4.
New Downloads added: Ramadhaan program 2012 week 2
AsSalaammuAlaykum The Ramadhaan weekly Sunday lecture, Jum’ua lecture and Tafseer after Taraweeh are now available for download: 1. 2. 3.
Download: Ramadhaan program 2012 Tafseer-after-Taraweeh – Night 4 to 6 – 23 to 25 July
AsSalaamuAlaykum Download the tafseer after taraweeh salaah given by Moulana Shahied Amien. We have combined night 4, 5 and 6 into one file for your convenience.
Download: Ramadhaan program- Sunday lecture and Tafseer-after-Taraweeh
AsSalaamuAlaykum The following downloads have been added: 1. 2.